Knitting, Machine Knitting, Taking Back Friday, Colour, Yarn

Choosing Colours for Stranded Colourwork Knitting

Choosing colours for colourwork knitting

Do you know what’s the hardest part of starting a new project? Whether it’s knitting or weaving or whatever craft you want to do, it’s picking colours for your project. Even for someone like me who has gone to school to study colour theory, spent a decade doing graphic design client work, and spent the past 17 years working on hand-dyed yarn colours for SweetGeorgia, the hardest thing is choosing colour combinations.

I love, love, love colour, but I have trouble choosing colour for projects and it holds up my creative process. I get stuck in this mode of trying to figure out the best colour combinations and then can’t move forward.ย So, today we’re going to talk about ONE aspect of colour combinations that will hopefully help you with your own colour decisions. I’m also going to show you our brand new palette of Ethereal lighter colours that will make combining colours so much easier.


I would love to hear that you moved forward with your creative projects because you felt more confident about your colour decisions. Don’t let yourself get held up at this beginning stage because of fear of making a mistake, or fear that someone else will think you made a mistake.ย I’d also love to hear about how you think about colour, and especially, how you go about creating colour combinations for knitting. Let me know in the comments!

Download the Colours for Colourwork Guide

Bring life to your colourwork design with helpful tips for choosing colour combinations.


About Felicia Lo

founder + creative director of SweetGeorgia // designer + dreamer // wife + mama // dyer, knitter, spinner, weaver, youtuber + author // been writing this blog about colour and craft since 2004 // see what I am making @lomeetsloom and @sweetgeorgia.

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