Meet a Multicraftual Maker

Meet a Multicraftual Maker: Athena Chang

Meet a Multicraftual Maker vlog interview with Felicia Lo and Athena Chang

A few years ago we created an ambassador program at SweetGeorgia and brought together 10 amazing multicraftul makers, knitters and designers to help share our SweetGeorgia story. At the same time, we wanted to help share the word about these incredible, creative peopleโ€”tell their stories about what they make, how they do it, and specifically, how they find time to do all their creative work.

Today, I’mย very excited to share a conversation with Athena Chang, a local Vancouver-based knitter, weaver, and aspiring fashion designer who currently works as a software engineer. We’ve been delighted to support Athena as a SweetGeorgia Ambassador as she was enthusiastic about working to become a knitwear designer. She designed the Boba hat for SweetGeorgiaโ€”a colourwork hat featuring the pearls from our favourite bubble tea drink. Join me at today’s video and let’s meet Athena!

Thank you so much to Athena for joining me! It was so great talking with Athena about where the joy comes for making things. The joy is in the exploration, experimenting and in following curiosityโ€”the sparks of joy from that discovery.



About Felicia Lo

founder + creative director of SweetGeorgia // designer + dreamer // wife + mama // dyer, knitter, spinner, weaver, youtuber + author // been writing this blog about colour and craft since 2004 // see what I am making @lomeetsloom and @sweetgeorgia.

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