Meet a Multicraftual Maker

Meet a Multicraftual Maker: Stephanie Klauck

Stephanie Klauck knit design in progress using SweetGeorgia Yarns

Today we are doing a little experiment. You may know that we used to publish an audio-only podcast called The SweetGeorgia Show. I recorded about a hundred episodes (which you can find on Apple Podcast and Spotify), and they’re all interviews and conversations with makers in our community.

Well, today I’m excited to start having new conversations with people in our community, including our SweetGeorgia Brand Ambassadors! We’ve been teaming up with ambassadors from Germany to Singapore to North America, to help spread the benefits of working with colour and craft. Many of these makers are multicraftual makers. They might knit, crochet, spin, weave, dye yarn, or any combination of the above. And today I want to welcome and introduce our newest Brand Ambassador, Stephanie Klauck of The Creative Knitter! She has been a long time member of our School of SweetGeorgia and you might recognize many of her rainbow coloured projects on Instagram.

Canadian Fibre Artist Stephanie Klauck โ€“ The Creative Knitter

Join me as I talk with Stephanie onย today’s Taking Back Friday vlog episode!ย As a knitter and crocheter, dyer and paper crafter (among many otters things), I believe it’s possible that Stephanie has cracked the code on how to make time to make things, and I’m really eager to learn how she does it all.

You can find Stephanie @thecreativeknitter on:ย Instagram, YouTube and at Etsy!

Stephanie Klauck - The Creative Knitter, Home studio space Klauck - The Creative Knitter, Canadian Fibre Artist

Stephanie’s fabulous creative studio space


Photos by Stephanie Klauck. Cover photo shows Stephanie’s design-in-progress using SweetGeorgia Mini Colour Fade set. Follow Stephanie for updates on the project progress!




About Felicia Lo

founder + creative director of SweetGeorgia // designer + dreamer // wife + mama // dyer, knitter, spinner, weaver, youtuber + author // been writing this blog about colour and craft since 2004 // see what I am making @lomeetsloom and @sweetgeorgia.

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